Benefits and downsides to sole child custody in divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 27, 2023 | Custody & Visitation |

A Mississippi family’s daily life may be disrupted because of a marital breakdown. When children are involved, an effort must be made to create a plan that enables them to continue to flourish despite changes in their lives. Divorce doesn’t necessarily have to keep children from thriving. In some cases, it might be best if one parent seeks sole child custody in court.  

It’s not true that kids always fare best in divorce when they maintain active relationships with both parents. In fact, sometimes, one parent’s presence might place children at risk. This is why the court allows a concerned parent to seek sole child custody; a parent who does so, however, is tasked with demonstrating just cause, which means that he or she must convince the court that there is a good reason why the kids will be better off living with one parent only.  

Pros and cons to a sole child custody arrangement 

There are several potential benefits, as well as a few possible downsides to gaining sole child custody in a divorce:  

  • Kids don’t have to split residence between two households. 
  • Sole legal custody enables one parent to make decisions without seeking the approval of the other. 
  • Sole child custody reduces the need for communication between former spouses.  
  • Enables children to establish a routine and sense of normalcy in their daily lives.  
  • The parent with custody might feel overwhelmed by the responsibility.  
  • Kids might have a distorted view that one parent is “more important” than the other.  
  • It may spark jealousy for the non-custodial parent.  

In some ways, sole child custody is simpler than a shared custody arrangement.  What’s most important is determining which type of custody plan best fits the needs of a specific situation. 

Do not hesitate to reach out for legal support 

A concerned parent may seek guidance and support from an experienced family law attorney if complications arise regarding child custody or any other issue that is relevant to divorce. An attorney can speak and act on a parent’s behalf, making proceedings less stressful. He or she can also stand by in case an issue arises that requires litigation.