Custody And Support Enforcement And Modifications

Attorney Provides Contempt And Modification Assistance

Walsh Law Firm, P.L.L.C., helps people resolve contempt and modification legal matters in North Mississippi.

We want you to get a fresh start.
Call 662-205-6546 for an initial consultation.

In any judgment of divorce, there are rights and responsibilities that both parties must comply with. These may include:

  • Adhering to the child custody arrangements and visitation schedule
  • Paying alimony (spousal support) in a timely manner
  • Paying child support and insurance premiums
  • Honoring property and debt division
  • Following other agreements related to the divorce. Contact us by email.

We Provide Decisive Contempt Legal Counsel

Anytime you are willfully disobeying a court order, you are in contempt of court. This is a violation of the law that can result in fines and/or incarceration. If you think you are in contempt of your divorce judgment or you believe that your former partner is in contempt of the divorce decree or any other custody order, seek the counsel of an experienced attorney for decisive and knowledgeable legal advocacy.

Anything that relates to child custody may be modified. It is possible to purge contempt by repaying any back child support.

What Warrants A Modification In Your Divorce Judgment?

If the financial, emotional or physical situation of either former spouse has changed, it may mean that you need to modify your divorce judgment. Changes that may warrant a modification include substantial increases or decreases in income, sickness that impacts ability to earn a living or raise children, a child’s illness, a change in a work schedule or a move out of state.

The standard that applies in Mississippi law is to act pursuant to the best interests of the child.

When You Need A Contempt And Modifications Lawyer

Whether you are seeking to fight a contempt action or are seeking a modification, Walsh Law Firm, P.L.L.C., will take swift action on your behalf. You can count on us for focused and effective legal counsel.

Please call the Walsh Law Firm, P.L.L.C., at 662-205-6546 to arrange an initial consultation. You may also feel free to contact us through email. We respond promptly to both phone calls and emails.